What is Scuffer?
A derogatory term for Britains uneducated, peasant underclass. They are known for wearing "prison white" training shoes, "designer" labels, baseball caps, anything with a "Burberry" check (though often not the genuine article), drinking cheap spirits/wines on the street and from a bottle, when allowed inside a pub' they drink pints of lager until they cannot stand at which point they attempt to fight anybody within arms length. They also chain smoke, write in pigeon English, swear at least once every time they open their mouths, spit on the ground regardless of location and waste their lives away milling about shopping malls while complaining how unfair everything is.
Usually applied to males, an equivalent term for females is "kappaslappa."
It should also be noted that Scuffers themselves appear to believe that the word is a compliment and that petty theft and violent crimes are a game.
See those drunken scuffers brawl
Derogatory term: One who shares similarities to vagrants such as mannerisms, smell, meths/White Lightning consumption or behaviour.
That Dave is a right scuffer.
What we used to call
Jeez, Yatesy's a right scuffer and no mistake
hegmonic power tool of the state.
law enforcer
then this pig scuffer cunt came up and took the milk off me.