What is Sdh?
acronym fqor Suck Dick Hoe
orriginated in nor-cal
person 1:ur getting annoying
person 2:welli hate you
person 1:SDH!!!
So Damn Hot
Some one who is very hot and a person may call someone this when they think the person is very hot or cute. Often could also be called a hottie or hot stuff.
lala123:Hey do you think mike is cute?
lalala1234: yes! hes sdh!
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coins or any kind of change(i.e quarters,dimes,or best pennies)
john: i'm starving lets get some food?
pete: nah i'm broke a..
To put your dick in another person's bong before they take a hit.
person1:Yo bro you should totally zingbongatong matt's bong..
girl who is loose in morals
one who makes people qweezy
put down for gossips
look at that qweeze pop stand there talkin smack