
What is Seansententiaism?


The delusion that one is always right, no matter how convincing the arguments against him may be.

To tell that someone has Seansententiaism, here are some viewable symptoms.

Random hitting of people, no matter how good of a friend they are.

Loud obnoxious shouting, and full on retarded behavior. (see pandajew)

A 3 inch rip in the anal canal.(see anal fissure)

The blind belief of human-beings from Negro origin being evil. Follow by another sightless sense that he/she can recall EVERY modification for the M4 Rifle.

A walk which looks like he/she is bleeding from his/her asshole.

The random abandoning of friends.

Person with Seansententiaism (towards usually a dutch person):

"Don't say stupid shit!"

-one hour later-

Friend of the person with


"Lets go swimming!"

Person with Person with Seansententiaism:

"Yeah sure, wait! Let me take the tampon out of my rectum first"

Speechless Friend of the person with Seansententiaism:

". . . . ."

See sean-ass, sean, disease, stupid, cunt, fool, twat, pooface, anal, blood, red, bloody, smelly


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