Search And Destroy

What is Search And Destroy?


Game (best on the freeway) when you stick your ass out of a car window and take a shit. Also done to make other drivers see someone take a crap while going 70mph.

"OMG honey that boy is taking a poop ouside his car window!"

"Oh sweetie they're just playing search and destroy."

See poop, crap, shit, car, window, piss, pee, feces, ass, butt, game, hilarious


Honey gotta strike me blind, somebody gotta save my soul, baby penetrates my mind

And I'm the world's forgotten boy

The one who's searchin', searchin' to destroy


To seek a specific target and eliminate it in sight.

Counter-Strike-"I'm going to Search and destroy you noob "--ak47--" when i find you"

See search, destroy, looking, kill


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