What is Search Engine Optomization?


If you are putting links within search engines,that goes by reviews of blogs or internet posts;if its the case that when you click the link in google ectera,that afther you click the link then it goes to the post or blog ect.(this meaning that you can read the blog that was posted,or the info post,without clicking another link afther the link in the search engine,

before you review the post.This will not count reviews of how many peopled viewed the post threw where ever the main link was at when the post was posted.Even though they have services in general that moniter serch engine links;by google ect.

like atwatch and internet seer monitoring.....

search engine optomization

this is an actual list of regardless devon victorys post review counts@tvtalkshows by main links with out counting the reviews by search engine links..

talk show------------reviews

Jerry Springer 67

american idol 36

jay leno 64

david letterman 64

conan obrian 62

jimmel kimmel 60

craig ferguson 61

the view 83

ellen 74

tyra banks 75

martha stewert 65

keith ablow 64

oprah winfrey 85

phill mcgee 45

carson daly 65

jon stewrt 48

megan molly 69

rosie o donnel 55

dr laura 46

tv talk shows 45

today show 59

early show 60

The average years it takes estimated on all post posted @ tv talk show to get too 2000 reviews is about one year or one year in a halph...these reviews i have just showed you are reviews of about three months...

See yahoo, news, world, independent, regardless devon victory


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