
What is Searyx?


Someone who strives to be the absolute worst at life. A sad, pathetic individual who opens his mouth way too frequently. Generally posts like a retard in order to attract the most attention to his moronic self and declare the most "pwnage".

A lover of young boys, lying out of his ass and cock.

Stop loving boys like Searyx.

The only person worse at life than you is Searyx.



noun: someone who smokes cock on a daily and wacks off with Cheetos laden fingers.

Adj. a word to measure the total gayness of someone or something.

noun: Searyx loves children and his body is a naturally formed beanbag for the little kiddies to lay upon.

Adj: You have Searyxian cock smoking abilities, here's your dollar.


Pathetic; lifeless; egocentric; live in parent's basement; non-working; uneducated; shit-talker; nothing to stand on but the value of "drivel" one can spew.

1. Dude, why you gotta be such a Searyx?

2. Dude, stop Searyx'n on me.


Cocksucker, Ball licker, Faggot

Goddamn Searyx loves the goat dick.


An ass muncher who sucks at life and plays the game Everquest

Searyx: H4H4H4H4H4, I jUS S0l0Ed a GiMpZoR WeSt WaStE DrAgOnZ im UbAH 1337!!!!!!1111!!!!!


Attention seeking retard

God, like if this board needed another searyx

See Joe


Faggot, dicksucker

Searyx loves fritos after sucking a dick.


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