
What is Seattle?


The Emerald City, a gem to the Pac. Northwest. Home to the Space-needle, Bank of America tower, Key West Arena, Safeco Field, and Seahawks stadium, it is truly an up-and-coming city.

It also happens to be a haven to people with -all- interests and styles of life, as shown by another definition to Seattle.

And ohh yeah, we're smart, too.

I'm so glad to live in Seattle.

See Grimm_Demize


The best city on the West Coast. Despite the rain (which makes the place nice and green), great people, great coffee (Hence Seattle AKA Latteville) and lots of things to do. Also the place of Microsoft Comps, and people who are really into high-tech activities.

That computer whiz is from Seattle area.


One of the most picturesque cities not only in the U.S., but the world.

Home of the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Safeco Field/Seahawk Stadium, Boeing Field, and some great views out into the mountains, especially Mt. Rainier.

See also Seatown, Emerald City, and Rainy City.

Everyone needs to visit Seattle at least once in their lives.


A city in Washington State.

What can I say? I live in California, and I hate it. Seattle is my place, and even though it does has it flaws, I still, and always love the Emerald City.

Seattle, A Jewel Of The Pacific Northwest.

See Jon


1. The Greater Seattle Area (including the east side) is home to Bill Gates, Starbucks, the Mariners, and Bungie (the makers of Halo), and Microsoft (the sole poineers in the blue screen and the creators of the Xbox).

2. The fittest city in America

3. One of the smartest Cities in America

Seattle is the Emeral city.


the best place in the entire world.. so what if it rains? it makes it so green & beautiful. the mountains are so big & majestic and everywhere you turn there's something even more pretty than what you last looked at. pike place market is so cute!

I really miss Seattle . . .

See dannimo


My favorite city.

It is best known for:

"Grunge, Cappachino, and Heroin"-from the book Kurt Cobain...

and it is also known for Bill gates's existance and lots of rain!

Good things come out of seattle too...LIKE NIRVANA WAHOO!

Seattle Rocks. i wish i lived in seattle. but no, i have to live in south carolina. the goddamn hick state. im moving to seattle when i get older.

See Ka


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