
What is Seattleite?


1. Any person living in, or within ten miles of The city of Seattle, WA

2.Is easily agitated when tourist asks to see the original Starbucks, Microsoft or Kurt Cobain's house. True Seattleites do not care for these things.

3nsiders Seattle to be the best city on Earth.

4. Is a pretentious coffee snob due to the thousands of delicious coffee houses and rostaries that surround them.

5. Any person who knows not to visit Pike Place Market on a Saturday.

6. Any person who was disappointed by EMP (unlike the inbred hicks from across the country who come to visit it).

7. Anybody who knows that "eating dicks" means eating burgers.

8.Any person that hates it when Californians drive through Washington and cry about the rain and the cold.

9. Typically a city that is completely devoid of soccer moms.

On the 8th day God created Seattle

and on the 9th day God created the Seattleite

on the 10th day, God finally rested.

See seattle, emerald city, nirvana, pnw, tacoma


A person residing in or around Seattle.

"Those seattleites can't take the heat!"


(improved on)

1. Any person living in, or within 50 miles of The city of Seattle, WA

2nsiders Seattle to be the best city on Earth.

3. Is a pretentious coffee snob due to the thousands of delicious coffee houses and rostaries that surround them.

4. "Too good for an umbrella"

5. Any person who knows not to visit Pike Place Market on a Saturday.

6. Any person who was disappointed by EMP (unlike the inbred hicks from across the country who come to visit it).

7. Anybody who knows that "eating dicks" means eating burgers.

8.Any person that hates it when Californians drive through Washington and cry about the rain and the cold.

9. Typically a city that is completely devoid of soccer moms.

Look at all the coffee she drinks, she must be a seattleite.

See seattle, washington, s-town, rain, starbucks



1. An basic reference to a resident of the City of Seattle. This is commonly in reference to anyone around the Seattle area, but when properly used, concerns only with the residents of the City. A resident of Mercer Island or Bellevue, for example, are not "hip" enough to be considered to be true Seattleites.

2. (slang) A mildly derogative term for someone who consumes an excessive amount of coffee. This definition developed under the common conception that all Seattleites do is drink coffee, listen to indie rock, and act snobby.

3. A pretentious " hipster" who resides anywhere in western Washington, reads "The Stranger," and thinks they are "open-minded" because they attended an anti-WTO rally. Phyiscal characteristics may include pretentious goatee and somber paleness. Unmatching " hipster" clothes are also a must.

Jack is a Seattleite; he lives close to Pike/Pine and spends half of his time sipping chai tea and studying for his bachelor's degree.

See hipster, pseudo-intellectual, vegan, naiive, pretentious


1: inhabitants of Seattle

2: one who rarely sees natural sunlights, esp. from September thru July.

3: <old Eng.> often refers to someone, who is computer savvy and possesses valuable stock options.

4: <new Eng.> often refers to someone, who is computer savvy and possesses worthless stock options.

" Bill Gatesis a Seattleite."

See Kyle


A person who is from Seattle or conforms to become a Seattle resident. This person is more than likely white, comes from a rich family, had every opportunity to succeed and are college educated. They are all politically and socially liberal yet Seattle is the whitest major city in the USA. They act as if they emphasize with the poor or minorities yet they live in neighborhoods lacking diversity, segregated and gentrified. When greeting one, they rarely acknowledge you or return the gesture. They own a apple laptop computer which in their mind represents that they are artistic or unique. Usually this specimen can be found in a coffee shop atleast twice a day.

I met a Seattleite that said hello to me and i crapped my pants!

See seattle, grunge, apple, seattlitis, seattitude, hippie


Someone from (or lives near) Seattle

1. Watches crappy sports teams

2. Drinks A LOT of coffee

3. Lives in perpetual rain

4. Laughs at Californians who whine about how 'cold' it outside

All the cool musicians come from Seattle


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