
What is Seaweed?


name for sweaty pubic hair popping out from the clothing

Guy 1: Dude check out my seaweed! *lowers pants enough to reveal "seaweed"*

Guy 2: that's gross as hell

See sea, weed, pubic hair, pubes, sweat


50% sea

50% weed

Guy 1: what is seaweed made of?

Guy 2: Sea and weed........ Don't you watch spongebob dude.

See spongebob, sea, weed, drugs, water, plants


marijuana laced with pcp, also known as water

I just ripped off my skin because I was on seaweed

See water, weed, pot, noob, word, coo, pcp, see


underwater Moss!

Kt: Moss

Atum: MOSS!

Kt: did you know seaweed is underwater moss?

Atum: totally.

See moss, shoes, pinapple, camp, pms


Marijuana that is stored in salt water (the ocean) for transportation. The marijuana has a salty taste when consumed, but does not lose any THC. Most honest dealers will sell at discounted price.

Bill: "You wanna roll up this seaweed that I got right here?"

Bob: "Hell yeah. I've been craving something extra salty all day. Where's the zig-zags?"

See marijuana, weed, pot, ganja


smoking weed on a boat

"we had some mad crazy seaweed going on last night at that yacht party."

See pot, weed, sea, ocean, water


Seaweeds are those who 'go with the flow' and 'sway with the wave'. They're clueless people who go along with what a crowd believes/says/does, like seaweed swaying with the waves of the sea.

Ken: Hm, I think I'll go buy a new shaver.

Barbie: Oh my gosh! Me too!

Ken: I think I'll go buy the new packs of jumbo condoms. My friend says they're high quality.

Barbie: I totally know what he's talking about! I was thinking of buying them too!


Ken: I have a problem.. my girl agrees with everything I say...

Friend: What a seaweed..

See clueless, crowd, dumbass, follower, wave


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