
What is S.e.c.?


Can stand for many things including:

Somebody Eats Choce (You are being a shittalker in Farsi)

Smelly Eggs and Cheese

Sephardic Educational Center

Sweet Easter Candy

also the name of a Crew centered in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica

Peace nigga


S.E.C. is G'd up cuz

See sec, s.e.c., crew, nigga, blood


Software Engineering Crew

The most well-known and respected crew in existance. Main headquarters in R.H. with branches in Waterloo and Vancouver.

Requires sponsorship and devouring limp biscuit, anal creampie, and/or butt nugget.

We're in S.E.C. 4 life!

Mason wishes he was in S.E.C.

See gad


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