Second Cup

What is Second Cup?


god the person who wrote the last definition is a complete shmuck. Second Cup is owned by Cara Food services. The same people who own swiss chalet and harvey's. Second Cup was never bought out by Starbucks. Wherever you got that info, its wrong buddy. Second Cup is proudly Canadian.

The idiot who wrote that about Second Cup probaly drinks at Starbucks....American deuche


Coffee house francaise operated by Cara Restaurant Group. They also operate Swiss Chalet, Milestones and the Breadgarden.

The Second Cup offers a wide variety of beans - including exploit free coffee in some locations - as well as a friendly, non-branding atmosphere (unlike Starbucks)

Retail outlets are found all over Canada, a lot of which are in downtown T.O. (that's Toronto for people who don't live there)

Wanna stop by Second Cup before we get on the subway?


A wanna-be starbucks!!

(although they do have good hot chocolate but its a coffee shop so you would think that the coffee would be good too)

"Ya wanna go to second cup?"

"Nah...theres gotta be a starbucks like 2 minutes from here"

See coffee, starbucks, second cup, mocha, latte


The ability to have a second orgasm (for men), usually in reference to a prostitute's services.

I recently partied with Molly (the whore) and she offered a second cup as always.

See prostitute, ejaculation, cum, second, whore


JuxtaPositionYou: The Second Cup is NOT owned by Starfucks (and thank Christ for that). This is readily apparent in the fact that Second Cup's coffee is actually GOOD.


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