Second Wind

What is Second Wind?


to get a second burst of energy after the initial burst has left th persn fatiued

i was tied in the 4th round but in the 5th i got my second wind and knocked him out.


1) When you completely pass out at a party to the point of being comatose and then ressurect from the dead like Jesus.

Oh man, did you guys see Schueler? Ten minutes ago we had to drag his limp body to his bed and now he is shotguning beers and taking shots. Talk about a second wind.

See alcohol, booze, party, drinking, passed out


1.) when you're jogging, about to fall over dead, but you suddenly feel better

2.) when your ripping a fart, you think you're done, but you're not... more comes out

1.) i was jogging, about to die, but found my second wind

2.) man.. i ripped some huge ass.. thought i was done.. but then came another little squeeker

See Jason


The act of urinating into a condom while still penetrating a woman, after orgasm and loss of erection. The inflation of the condom due to urine gives the woman the sensation that the man has regained his erection, and can perform again, i.e. a second wind.

After he climaxed, he wanted to impress his girlfriend with a quick recovery; but could only fake it with a second wind.

See sex, condoms, intercourse, urination, erection, faking, inflation


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