What is Secret Missing Episode?


"Secret Missing Episode" are a series of YouTube videos. The videos usually begin with some variation of "This is the Secret Missing Episode of (name of show). It was never aired because (some disgusting reason). Warning: You must be at least (ridiculous age, often accompanied with the requirement to do or have done a vulgar act) to watch." The video then, using text-to-speech software such as Speakonia, features the characters from the show, usually discussing their homosexuality. These videos usually follow the same formula as Barney Bunchvideos do.

"This is the Secret Missing Episode of Futurama. It was never aired because it made everyone cum. Warning, you must be at least 208,346,450,342 years old and have had sex with Drew Pickles seven times to watch.

Hi, my name is Bender, and I am really really really really really really gay..."

See youtube, barney, gay, homosexual


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