Secret Sex

What is Secret Sex?


Sex you don't want anybody to know about. It has to be kept on the DL because of any number of reasons: you're embarrassed (coyote ugly), you don't want your boss to know, you're a cheating bastard and you don't want to get caught, etc.

"Yo, Smiles, did you hear that Mr. Ed and Toto are having secret sex?"

"No way Ldog, that isn't happening!"

"Oh, don't worry, it is. Apparently, Mr. Ed is afraid his boss will find out. As if Quatals would give a shit!"

See s.s., ss


When two or more people who are interconnected through mutual social or work acquaintances have sex and one of the sexual partners decides that the sexual encounter must remain secret. Secret sex is damaging to all parties involved.

While sailing the seas of Alaska with my parents, I was experiencing the glory of Secret Sex with the boat help.

See booty call, pda, undercover lover, deep throat


When two or more people who are interconnected through mutual social or work acquaintances have sex and one of the sexual partners decides that the sexual encounter must remain secret. Secret sex is damaging to all parties involved.

While sailing the seas of Alaska with my parents, I was experiencing the glory of Secret Sex with the boat help.

See booty call, pda, undercover lover, deep throat


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