
What is Seetec?


So you survived you advisor treating you like an ignorant skiver, lived through Gateway to Work - hey, you even gutted out being jammed in CETSfor a large chunk of the year, but don't think that's the last thing New Deal have to throw at you like a brick. No, then they stick you in SEETEC for 13 weeks, where you are stuck doing all the same exercises you did on Gateway and at CETS once more for two out of the three hours you're supposed to be there, therefore meaning you can't actually apply for a job to get the hell out of there. They don't even increase your benefits for your duration this time.

Wait, I got through all the shit off my advisor, Gateway to Work AND six months at CETS, and you're sticking me in SEETEC where all that crap I already "learned" TWICE is regurgitated once more, despite being pointless and meaningless at this point?!?


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