What is Sence?
1. This is how idiots spell sense, since they have no sense, they can't fucking spell it.
2. This misspelled word is also a form of since according to some idiot - English translations.
<insert any MMORPG here> chat:
Idiot: That doesn't make sence!
Me: YOU don't make sense! "SENCE" IS NOT A FUCKING WORD, MORON! Sorry... IDIOT! Wait, no... too subtle... how 'bout, nub to life!?
When you ram something very large up your bosses backside for continually picking you up on your spelling.
I senced the mother f*cker or I took the fire extinguisher and senced him. Alex I'm gonna sence you with your books.
Sex and violence. When video games have a lot of sex and violence in it.
Boy 1:Hey, did you play God of War yet?
Boy 2: Ya, that game had a lot of sence in it.