What is Sergio Ramosnot A Persons Name?
one that is fake: one that talks shit on something then turns around a week later and does it; one that acts like your friend until your not in the room; also one that talks shit on someone and says he never wants to live with them again, but moves back in a month later and vigorously starts to suck their cocks; a real shit peice; cocksucker; one who sucks dick for the taste;one who dreams of speck and lingers on the thought of his dick; a worthless being; the definition of a flamer; one who lives his life trying to please Mr speck
damn lateley youve been acting like a "sergio ramos(not a persons name)"™ = ™
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The process by which an artist renders an image (usually in his or her spare time) with the sole intent of fornicating with said image.
its the female version of fudge paker
or a rude version of a lesbian
omg! what a flange flinger
we did a flange flinger last night...