
What is Serial?


slang for serious. Favored by Al Gore on South Park.

Al Gore: "Manbearpig is very serial."

See cereal, sereal


short for "serious"

"What? Are you serial?"


serial: serious. Serial is as serious as serial killers. So serious - more serious than cereal. Not as funny as cereal, but more concerned.

usu. in response: exp:

Richard, I'm pregnant!

Are you serial?

Holy rusted metal batman!

Are you serial?

See serial, cereal, serious


Short for serial number. Often used for an illegal method of registering a program one does not wish to pay for.

I got a serial for photoshop last night and it worked perfectly.


Another way to say "serious".

"Dude, I'm super serial. Why don't you believe me when I say I'm super duper serial?"

See serial, super, duper, serious, dude


having a serial killer flavor

"yo, do you see that serial looking dude gazing us from that window over there?"


Was once an elite underground ruler, got into some legal trouble, and is now forced to work for the U.S. Government. He can commonly be found on the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) where he is still able to maintain contact with those who he stired up much trouble many years ago.

Man, I wish I was like serial, I'd be so much cooler if I was.

See serial


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