Serial Dater

What is Serial Dater?


One who engages in the process of systematically dating an obscene amount people in short span of time. This definition encompasses but is not limited to internet dating, bar dating, long distance flirtations, phone service dating, blind dating, expiration dating, match making, one night stands, friends with benefits, and personal ad surfing. Can be considered a politically correct alternative to word "player" both with and without a negative connotation.

You do not want to date my roommate, that guy is such a serial dater.

Good luck getting anything meaningful out of her, she's too much into serial dating.

See player, playing, playboy, untouchable


One who starts the chain of love by dating a boy/girl. After breaking up with them, they proceed to date all of their ex's friends. Once the serial dater has dated the entire circle of friends, the group realizes that they've just been serial dated.

Did you hear about Katie? She went out with Mark...but after they broke up, she went out with his friends Tony, Josh, and Brad.


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