
What is Seroquel?


This pill is most certainly not the shit. I don't know how this drug has such a modern image when it's complete shit. The side effects I can't really comment on, except for one: sedation. If your doctor put you on this he seriously wants you to stfu. This drug makes people so tired it's insanity. 100mg of this and you'll drift off for hours. It might help if you can't sleep but be aware it's addicting. They don't put this on the label, but I'm 100% certain the body becomes dependant on it for sleep. If you can't get it, then you'll lie awake in a manic state all night. The best way to deal with this, is to take some antihistamine sleeping pills, and very slowly try to take yourself off them. I'm sure the drug company is aware how dependant people get and is making alot of money of people who got suckered and now take it just to sleep. It probably causes weightgain to, and there's some evidence it can cause cataracts. If you hear the drug name seroquel, realize that it's a drug which even in small doses will cause people to become snowed. If there's any youths out there who have parents making them take these mickey mouse drugs, then trust me on one thing; deal with your objection to your forced treatment now instead of when you're on your own. There is nothing modern about this drug, it's used to shut people up. This drug is so potent I'm sure it could be used to make people pass out. If I could go back to when I was taking this drug, I would have gave a dose to my dad and watched him pass the fuck out. The reality is, that no one will believe you about the sedation unless they experience it. They had me driving on this shit and I was fucked up. Oh and there's nothing enjoyable about being this tired, it's not relaxing!!

Please don't vote about this definition until you've taken at least 150mg of this drug or else you're probably still believing the marketing lies.

The youth was being questioning of authority's so the school decided he should be shut the fuck up; they gave him seroquels.

See seroquel, antipsychotic, medicine


A common anti-psychotic. One of the many “keep you quiet” drugs frequently prescribed to both the mentally ill and patients who are in drug and alcohol treatment facilities (rehab).

From the seroquel website: “Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two different mental disorders that affect millions of people in the United States. Seroquel

is a psychotropic medication shown to be effective in the treatment of many symptoms of schizophrenia, as well as in the treatment of acute mania associated with bipolar I disorder.”

“Rocco used to be really hyper and twitchy, but now that the Doc’s got him on Seroquel, he’s real mellow and much more fun to hang with.”

"According to any of the patients I've talked to in the rehab unit, Seroquel makes the withdrawl symptoms much less harsh than the old days of the Methadone clinics."


This drug contains DIBENZOA,IPYRENE] which causes cancer in adition to diabetes and obesity. This drug is another example of psychiatric genocide.

Some people got an apology and a country out of the holocaust while others got zyprexa and seroquel.

See genocide, antipsychiatry, bipolar, schizophrenia, rehab


Prescription drug (Quetiapine), that have sometimes been used to "come down" off amphetamines. When used in this manner the slang term "downer" is often applied.

Street name: "quell" or also "Suzie-Q"

-Where are those Suzie-Q's(Seroquel)!?! the party is over and i'm working tommorow morning.

-Hey bro, Score me some Quell's (Seroquel) as well, i don't feel like staying up for 3 days again.

See downer, quell


This drug will be responsible for numerous deaths as it is based on the petrochemical compound dibenzo pyrene which is extremely hazardous and carcenogenic. What was Astra Zeneca thinking? Their psychopathic scientists and business executives decided on exterminating people for a buck.

Some people have no rights so they are forced to take shit like seroquel and told it is for their own good.

See psychiatry, psychopath, genocide


seroquil is a drug thats suppose to help people not here voices but many thugs gangsters and prisioners use this medicine as a street drug like extascy etc.

prision slang :do you got that you know what i mean (seroquel)

street/prison slang: Im trying too get high where the hell is the seroquil.

See drugs, medicine, pills, regardless devon victory, coherst, flaawless, gangsters, felons, regardless devon victory


a damn good pill to get in trade when a neighbor owes you, say 10 dollars.

gimme one of those man


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