
What is Serve?


To deliver a swift and decisive round of ass whoopin.

Go Serve that motherfucker, he's talkin some serious cracker shit.

See Slob


to make a drug deal where you are the dealer

i went to there house to make a serve


The act of putting down another person so perfectly that all they can do is say "I just got served." Not to be confused with the incidental soft-serve, this serve is deliberate and both the server and the servee know it.

"Ms. Morgan served Sue Hall's dead father."

See Anonymous


The act of selling drugs to another person.

matt: Yo Juice go get a dutch.

Juice: Yea, after i go serve up this kid a half zip of shrooms.

See sell, push, purchase, deliver


To school or humiliate by dancing crazy moves such as line dancing to achy breaky heart

"There are severe servings here and here, but the worst serving occured here in the pelvic region"


To bring it. To work the runway/catwalk to your best ability. To have bitches gagging in awe.

"That girl was fierce." "I know did you see her serve?"

See fierce, shade, vogue, serve, fem


to get revenge on somebody by making them realize what they missed. also to kick someones ass and then own them from their embarassment

Jodi-"Im gonna serve Bob today because he totally ignored me online"

Mary-"nice..make him pay"

See revenge, own, ignore, get back


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