
What is Session?


a group of people smoking up

"yo lets run a session"

See mike


A group of people smoking marijuana together, in the "pass it around" sense.

You wanna have a little session before school tomorrow?



To consume large quantities of alcohol - typically with a group of friends - with the intention of getting drunk.

"Session at my yard?"

See alcohol, booze, drunk, pissed, hammered


To practice breakdancing.

Hey, let's go to Dorian's house and session!

See cypher, bboy, airflare, sesh, practice, power, style


Can be either planned or not, if planned it is a period of time spent inside a liscensed premesis where the sole primary activity is to consume alcohol, most commonly beer. A session can also spontaneuosly occur from a swifty, when the killer phrase "fancy staying for another" is uttered.A session has no set time limits, but is mainly governed by alcohol tolerancy, kung-fu money, opening hours or a combination of the above. A session has no limits to participants, but any more than can fit round one table could be problematic. A solo sesison would only be considered for an alcoholic.Popular sustinence when in a session would be a range of bar snacks, such as crisps, pork scratchlings, or pub grub. When sessioning with freinds, purchasing drinks in rounds is a socially convienient method if not financially. A session is a truly British thing that can only truly be experienced in a british pub since I am yet to experience the warmth and atmosphere in foriegn pubs that would invite you to stay for longer.

Can also be known as a gary player/leo sayer cockney rhyming slang for all dayer

"Fancy going for a session down the fishermans sharpy?"

sharpy "Donohue you fancy staying for another"


*5 pints later*

"how did our swifty turn into a session, again"


A massive party usually a lot of alcohol and/or drugs and some loud music. Can involve drunken sing-a-longs.

There's a massive session in mine tomorrow night. Don't forget the beer bong and bongo's.


A period of prolonged drinking leading to intoxication

Student to friend: "Are you up for a session?"

See leathered, drunk, intoxicated, wasted, three sheets to the wind, Huzz


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