Set Sail For Fail

What is Set Sail For Fail?


A term used as a warning of predicted impending failure. Generally the phrase relates to any situation where the outcome has been perceived as unlikey to gather the desired result ( Fail) and yet still that course of action is chosen anyway due to either ignorance, arrogance or both.

The term is also known as "boarding the failboat". A Failboatrepresenting the action/activity that is deemed to likely end in a Fail. Noobs tend to be the captains of such vessels.

Dude1: "Guys, I'm gonna drive, I really wanna drive."

Dude2: "You've had way too much of the juice man, why don't you let one of us drive?"

Dude1: "Don't be boring man, you know i'm a faster and better driver than you guys anyway" *Rushes to the car and into the driver's seat*

Dude3: "Set sail for fail guys."

See fail, failboat, noob, nab, nabcake, epic fail, fail boat, noobcake


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