
What is Seth?


The ancient Egyptian god of chaos, the embodiment of hostility and even of outright evil. He is also a god of war, deserts, storms, and foreign lands. As the god of deserts he protects the caravans which travel through the desert, but he also causes sandstorms which bring him into conflict with the fertility god Osiris. The two are adversaries and in the Osiris myths, Seth killed his brother and scattered the remains all over Egypt. Seth belongs to the Ennead of Heliopolis and is the son of Geb and Nut (or Re and Nut). He is the brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, who is sometimes given as his consort, although Seth is more commonly associated with the foreign, Semitic goddesses Astarte and Anat. During the 3rd millenium BCE Seth replaced Horus as the tutelary deity of the pharaohs, but the story of Osiris' murder gained currency and Horus was restored to his original status. The war that followed lasted eighty years, during which Seth tore out Horus' left eye and Horus tore off Seth's foreleg and testicles. Eventually, Horus emerged victorious, or was deemed the victor by the council of the gods, and thus became the rightful ruler of the kingdoms of Lower and Upper Egypt. Seth was forced to return the eye of Horus and was either castrated or killed. In other versions he went to live with the sungod Re, where he became the voice of thunder. In the Book of the Dead, Seth is called "Lord of the Northern Sky" and is held responsible for storms and cloudy weather.

Despite his reputation, Seth has some good characteristics. He protects the sun barge of Re during its nightly journey through the underworld and he fights the snake-like monster Apep. On the other hand, he was a peril for ordinary Egyptians in the underworld, where he was said to seize the souls of the unwary.

Seth was portrayed as a man with the head of undeterminable origin, although some see in it the head of an aardvark. He had a curved snout, erect square-tipped ears and a long forked tail. He was sometimes entirely in animal form with the body similar to that of a greyhound. Animals sacred to this god where the dog, the jackal, the gazelle, the donkey, the crocodile, the hippopotamus, and the pig. There was an important sanctuary at Ombos in Upper Egypt, his reputed birthplace, and considered to be the home of his cult. This cult was also prominent in the north-eastern region of the Nile delta. The Greeks equated him with their Typhon.

Other names include Set, Sutekh, Setech, and Sutech.

Seth and Osiris were brothers.

See Hieros


An overly-long Urban Dictionary entry

Who wrote that definition of 'Seth'? It's Fuckin' HUGE!

See colossal, humongous, gigantic, massive, immense, large, grand, great, huge, vast, mammoth, titanic


An extremely cool kid, often dresses nice, wear sunglasses, is egotistical, intelligent, has a high income, and drinks Red Bull on the rocks quite often.

Female: You look sexy today, you look like a straight up Seth!

Male: Oh ha ha, you know me...=)

See awesome, rad, player, cool, pimp


1. The third person to ever be named by man, means "granted"

2. Adam and Eve's third child after Cain killed Able.

Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him."

Gen. 4:25

See adam, eve, cain, abel, granted


Seth is the person who is one of the craziest, happy, smart, and amazing guy you will ever meet. With just a few words and a couple of funny jokes, Seth will make you feel very good about yourself,no matter what kind of day you are having.

Dude Seth totally made my day today.

See boy, smile, lover, happiness, joke


An amazing, kind, caring, compassionate person with a large heart and an amazing mind. One who is extremely intelligent and sensitive as well. One with the bluest eyes you will ever, ever see. Also one who "pwns the world" so to speak. Pwnation across the mofoin' nation? Hells yeah.

"Wow, I think I've just fallen in love with a Seth ... he's amazing!"

See seth, pwn, pwnation, orange


-Park Ji-Sung's Master

-Name for a fireball that is propelled from the fist/fists

-Pirate and a Ninja at once, therefore defeating the entire ninja/pirate battle.

-Mythological God who is known to have done and be doing all of the above things

'woah! he just Sethed!'

See seth, god, myth, ninja, pirate


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