Seven Year Itch

What is Seven Year Itch?


The claim that a man will or has the urge to cheat around the 7th year of his marriage.

George: So Bill, feeling that Seven Year Itch yet?

Bill: Yea but I've decided to ignore it.

George: Good man Bill, good man!

See cheating, marriage, relationships, love


The seven year icth is a point that a lot of couple go through. It is the point when you have been together so long that you are tired/bored with your partner, but you have not been together long enough to have accepted the rythem that is being in a relationship. Some people miss being single and would like a different partner. Other people just miss the freedom of being single and having no strings attached but they do not want another partner. It is a "rough" patch in a relationship.

They are starting to feel the strain of the "Seven year itch." They will get throught it if they try hard, enough.

See seven, year, itch, happy, marriage, cheating, mistress, adultry


to have sexual cravings for sex with a different partner

colin was quite frank "look kev, I've been as faithful as any normal red-blooded male"

"seven year itch, rearing it's ugly head?" replied the Kev

"well, it's more like this seven year TWITCH" admitted colin as the cup and saucer jumped from his lap.


1. an urge to commit infidelity during one's seventh year of


2. any major dissatisfaction with a marriage

He's got the seven year itch and expects me to give him advice.

See cheat, seven-year itch


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