
What is Sexism?


Discrimination based on gender. Both men and women can be victims of sexism.

1. A woman may be paid less than a man for doing the same job is an old example of sexism.

2. A man may be required to sign up fight for his country/be drafted while a woman is not.

3. A man who has sex with many women may be admired by other men, while a woman who has several sexual partners is labelled a 'slut' or a 'whore.'

4. No matter what their relative incomes, some women expect a man to pay for everything on a date, rather than paying for themselves, splitting the bill at dinner, etc.

See sexism, gender, double standards, unfair, discrimination


A guy does 5 chicks in 1 week and is known as a champion.

A girl does 5 guys in 1 week and is known as a slut.

Do you think that's fair?

That's my definition for sexism.

See male, female, girl, boy, sex


Something that usually results from human beings assuming that just because they or someone they know has a certain quality, everyone else in that certain gender has it too.

"My girlfriend is frigid, therefore all girls must be."

"My ex boyfriend is a dick, therefore all men must be."

"The only well-known brilliant people in history are men, therefore women musn't have the ability to be brilliant."

"I can talk heaps more easily to the girls I know than to the boys I know, therefore all boys must be emotionally stunted."

(sexism resulting from self centred assumptions)

See presumptuous, unfair, stupid, human nature


A lot like racism, except it has to do with the unequal treatment between the two genders of male and female.

It's quite hard to see sexism in democratic/libereal countries but it's still there.

Sexism is just as bad as racism and ageism.

A person who commits a lot of sexism is called a sexist

Convo 1:

Girl: Hey I know what I can become... A MECHANIC!

Boy: WTF!?, that's a man's job.

Convo 2:

Boy: Are you gonna pay the bills?

Girl : NO STFU!!

Convo 3:

Girl: Hey are you gonna help me take care of this baby?

Boy: NO! that's a woman's job!

Convo 4:

School Administrator(girl) : Welcome to the "Get Sexist school for girls" hey wait a minute your a boy!!!

Boy: So good for me, F******!

Convo 5:

Girl: Can i run for president?

Boy: Sure! wanna be a maid or a cook?

Convo 6:

Boy: Mom, can I buy the barbie?


All examples of sexism :)

See what, are, tags, lol, ?


Discrimination on a person because of their sex. Usaully on women. Caused a lot by macho males that view women as "sex object". Rap is a major contributor to it right now. As well as rich people like Paris Hilton who didn't do anything to get rich and think they deserve all that money. They also used that money to get plastic surgery which has now created an unrealistic standard for women. I don't get it though cause I think they look ugly with all that botox. Respect women they're people too.

"Sexism is the most important of all the ism."

See sexism, discrimination, society, gender, paris hilton, disrespect


A discriminative attitude grounded on the gender criteria, and more specifically -our society being still what it is- a discriminative attitude towards women.

Sexism is the last pathetic reflex of declining patriarcal masculinity. Violent and stupid, or soft and systemic, sexism remains sexism...

See Ysengrim


sexism is a subject invented and studied by feminists. They held a hypothesis that the lexicon, grammatical structure, etc. of a language contain features that makes woman excluded, insulted or unimportant.

"Tomorrow I will meet my new doctor; I hope he is friendly."

Since the speaker hasn’t met the doctor, how can the speaker know the doctor is HE? This kind of assumption can be regarded as sexism in Language.

See discrimination, feminism, unfair, insult


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