
What is Sfr?


Smiling for real.

Between a 'hehe' and a 'lol'. Mainly used instead of lol, since most people are lying and not actually laughing.

<G> God, you're such an ass

<E> sfr

See lol, heh, hehe, smiling


SFR is short for Santa Fe Rider, an aging motorcyclist located in Santa Fe, New Mexico who trolls several motorcycle boards angering younger and less experienced members.

His technique is to assume a "you don't know anything" and "I am better than you" attitude.

SFR talking to a board member:

"Who let you out? Go back to the steerage, where you belong"

See grouch, curmudgeon, biker, motorcyclist, arrogant


n. SFR, which stands for "Spicy Food Resistance" is used to grade how well a person(s) mouth takes to spicy food.

The higher your SFR, the higher the comfort level while eating a hot and spicy food. Your SFR number rating is based on the Scoville scale's 0-16,000,000 unit rating.

My SFR is mearly 6,500! Pete's is close to 35,000!

See sfr, spicy, food, resistance, scoville, units, unit, scale, comfort


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