
What is Sfu?


Simon Fraser University, located in the Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada

SFU sits on top of Burnaby Mountain, giving it a beautiful view over north Burnaby


Short, Fat, Ugly.

What guys will call girls.

Guy1: That one?

Guy2: SFU

Guy1: That one?

Guy2: SFU

Guy1: That one?

Guy2: bhum !

See sfu, fat, ugly, unattractive


what everyone calls a university a top a dreary rain soaked foggy mountain that is ranked number one causing for student suicides in Canada

what university do you attend? Someone fucked up.


So Fucking Unreal! The place located on top of Burnaby mountain which is simply unreal and awesome!!

SFU is Awesome!!

See sfu, university, awesome, mountain, top


Simon Fraser University

SFU is the only university in Canada that rank about the same as Harvard and Oxford. Top university among Canada for most of faculty, especially for engineering and computer science. Microsfot usually come up north from Seattle to SFU to hire Computer science students

professor are very nice

a lot of international students

President of SFU try hard to get student's money

SFU is very rich, it has 4 new faculty building being constructed within 2 years

There's a professor call Prof. Gay

School is free of sexual intercourse, you can easily see people making up in the library, sometimes in the lunge during midnight

student here don't like UBC

one fucking thing is that there's no scantrum mechine in SFU.

locate on the top of mountain, best view, and symbolize SFU has way high up standard above all other universities

High standard Asian girl quality

only 50% real Canadian

High standard business and engineering faculty

only bad thing is there are no medical and law school

If you come to SFU, that means you fail UBC.

See malaysia, singapore, vancouver, taiwan


An acronym used to describe undesireable women. "Short, Fat and Ugly"

Hey man, SFU look SFU..!

See fat, ugly, flab, fugly


A pitiful excuse for a university. Looking for a state of the art medical center? Out of luck. Want to try out for the debate team? Not here. A packed stadium of rowdy college football fans on Saturday afternoon? Try again. People that come from all over town to watch the basketball team on its road to the national title? They don't even know it exists. Well, at least we'll be able to crash the fraternities and sororities, right? Sorry. Upscale shopping village and quaint local hangouts? Not within miles. Classmates that speak english? Fuhgeddaboudit. Cutting edge instructors that are passionate and don't espouse tired viewpoints? This is the land of the old and washed up.

This place was the nadir of my life and I can't believe I wasted all that time there.

I thought I was going to get a valuable college experience, but I ended up going to SFU.

See sfu, boring, lifeless


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