
What is Shadi?


1. An exotic persian female with fierce features.

Beautiful dark hair, eyes, and eyebrows, topped off with olive colored skin. She is a visual orgy! This name suits that of a beautiful persian goddess.

2. A word in farsi meaning 'happiness' or 'joy'.

1. Damn, that Shadi is a fine-ass shawty.

2. Peace, love and Shadi.

See happiness, joy, persian goddess, fierce


Pronounced (shah - deee) An undefinable level of greatness, an aura which leaves most in awe only attainable by some

Blood that's so Shadi of you - My friend u have just done something commendable

See gangster, cool, amazing, funny, lovely


1. an unshaven, yet nicely dressed male who has the sexiest voice you've ever heard, and the biggest peen you've ever seen.

2. a super smart and sexy a-rab that you want to tare the clothes off of.

3. someones futures husband!

"wow, shadi is looking fine tonight"

"lay off bitch, thats my shadi"

See shadi, sexy, smart, arab, dayum


1. An Arabic Singer

2. Often used to describe someone who has great talent pertaining to the skill of percussion.

"Wow, you are such a Shadi"

"Holy crap! You're such a Shadi on the drums"

See drummer, singer, shaadi, percussionist, talented


Tall Human-like Beings that enjoys foraging for nuts in a morgue.

There are shadis in this morgue.

See shadi, necrophiliac, boobs, teen, porn, weed, crack


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