Shadow Monkey

What is Shadow Monkey?


When a meth head does 2 much meth and is awake for days at a time and see's shadoy like creatures run across the road so they swerve and try to hit them.

Bob: Did you hear about that meth head that ran over those people when he thought he saw a shadow monkey?

Leroy: No, but doesn't surprise me though. Thats what they do.

See meth, crystal meth, methadone, meth head


When a meth head does 2 much meth and is awake for days at a time and see's shadoy like creatures run across the road so they swerve and try to hit them.

Bob: Did you hear about that meth head that ran over those people when he thought he saw a shadow monkey?

Leroy: No, but doesn't surprise me though. Thats what they do.

See meth, crystal meth, methadone, meth head


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