
What is Shako?


+2 to All Skills

+1.5 Life per clvl

+1.5 Mana per clvl

+50% Better chance of getting magical item

Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 10%

+2 to Strength

+2 to Dexterity

+2 to Vitality

+2 to Energy

you got shako?

yeah,the non unique one




PRONUNCIATION:   shk, shk, shä-

VARIANT FORMS: also shack·o

NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. shak·os or shak·oes

A stiff, cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate in front, a short visor, and a plume.

ETYMOLOGY: French schako, from Hungarian csákó, from csákós (süveg), pointed (cap), from csák, peak, perhaps from Middle High German zacke, tack, nail.

 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.  2000:

See Shako


Short for the "Harlequin Crest," a unique item in Diablo II. The term 'shako' comes from the name of its base item, a shako helm (elite quality cap.)

The stats are in the previous definition.

Aw shit! I got tricked by the Shako bait and switchtrade! Should have known...

See helm, unique, video game, rpg


shako = mantis shrimp

Squilla la Squille

See Shako


Mouranie's Lover

There is Shako, where is Mike?



Inspired by several old chess variants, Jean-Louis Cazaux from Toulouse (France) invented this variant. The name Shako means Chess in Esperanto, `another kind of non-conformism and utopia', in the words of the inventor. The idea of this variant is to make a new game without directly disposing the large heritage of the classical game.

See Shako


another termfor weed oh ya

we gonna go smoke the shako



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