What is Shane Mccutcheon?
the hot, androgynous character on The L word, Showtime's most watched show.
what we know about the character Shane thus far:
Shane and her "friend" Clive "turned tricks" on Santa Monica Blv. for six months, But she'd only do handjobs and was passed off as a boy. She grew up in foster care, her mother sent her there when she was 10, but she still loves her mother. She had a dog named Remy, but never a hamster. She has a brother, but never met him. She's afraid of love, and it's all sheri jaffe's fault. She and Jenny would be perfect for eachother, but they're to blind to see it, so at this point in time she's with carmen, to whom she recently said "I love you" to. And she believes in God.
age: 26
Height: 5'8"
body type: slender (skin and bones)
religion: catholic
Orientation: lesbian (very, very lesbian)
Shane McCutcheon: liquor in the front and poker in the rear!