
What is Shank?


shank, shanked

orgin: prison slang

A homemade knife.

made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.


to be stabbed by a homemade knife.

"CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.


(n.; v.)

1. Any crude, sharp weapon created from otherwise non-imposing objects. Screwdrivers, socket wrenches and hammers are not considered "shanks" because (a) they are not homemade, (b) they are not "crude," improvised weapons, (c) tools are inherently dangerous to begin with, and (d) none of them, with the exception of the screwdriver, are sharp objects. Shanks are created by the desperate for the purpose of stabbing, not bludgeoning.

A true shank would be something like:

- A broken piece of glass with a wrapped towel for a handle.

- A broken piece of plexiglass. Prison lunch trays are made of plexiglass, so shattering one might yield a suitable shank.

- A sharpened piece of wood, usually whittled into a stake rather than a shank, but as it is used for stabbing it is considered a shank nonetheless.

- A sharpened piece of scrap metal. Can be pilfered from just about anywhere.

2. A shank is also the U-shaped part of a padlock, or any other narrow-but-essential part of an object.

1. "See this carrot? This carrot's raw. I'm gonna shank you, whiteboy."

2. "I can't lock this damn thing; I think the shank needs oiling."


To stab someone quickly and repeatedly in the side or lower back, usually with a shiv or, occasionally, a spork.

Dude, I totally just got shanked by that guy.

Your kidneys are bleeding. Did someone shank you?

It is impossible to shank The Unshankable Man.


An item that is used as a weapon but wasn't originaly inteded to be a weapon. A homemade prison blade is a perfect example.

Dude! You just got shanked with a rake!

Dude look out! That broken beer bottle can be used as a shank!


a prisoner-made knife like weapon usually made of metal. the first such weapons were fashioned form the metal shanks on prison issue boots. because of this, most modern prisons no longer issue prisoners boots with metal shanks

Cricket always makes the best shanks for 20 cigarettes and a pair of boots.


SHANK - to walk up behind someone and stab them, most of the time the lower back-kidneys

kenard, if u dip, im gonna shank ur ass in school

See tomme


Shank (1)

A prison term that refers to a home made knife or dagger fashioned out of a regular object

Shank (2)

To shank- To stab or slash someone with a shank

Shanked (3)

A passed tense of shank (2). Could refer to either the speaker or the subject as the shanker

Dude, did you hear about the guy that got killed? He got shanked in prison with a tooth brush!

See shank, shanked, shanker, bo shank


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