
What is Shannen?


A Shannen is often pissed off because people spell her name "Shannon" or "Shannan". Don't do that or they will have an almighty bitch fit on you. Often stronger then they appear, but really stupid. If a shannen looks like it may attack, curl up on the ground and put your hands over your head. They will assume your dead and walk away.

Another way to get away is telling a Shannen that they are missing a massive shoe sale at the mall.

Shannen's love Nick Jonas.

1person: OMG. I almost had to suffer a bitch fit from Shannen yesterday.

2person: Really? What did you do?

1person: I showed her a flyer for a 50% shoe sale.

See nick, jonas, shannen, crazy, shoes


a lovely girl, brown hair, brown eyes, quite pretty.

sometimes goes by the nickname shan.

although shes quite strange at times

shes worth meeting :D

a shannen is sick of being messed around by guys and just wants to find the right one.

"hey shannen, how'd you and that guy go?"

"oh hes just another fucker"

"oh dang"

See shannon, shan, shanshan, shannan, shannyn


someone who is extremely tuna obsessed or into talking shit 24/7

" and everything she said sounded like a shannen" " she talked so much shit, i thought it was shannen!"

See shanny, shannon, shan


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