What is Shap?
Abbreviation of the word Shaperone. Usually used by 8-12 year olds (annoying ones) going through the preliminary stage of social development. See
Loser Kid 1: "Hey Teddy, I went to a sweet party yesterday."
Loser Kid 2: "Nifty!"
Loser Kid 1: "Yeah, tell me about it, there were only five 'shaps' it was off the heezy."
Loser Kid 2: "Sounds spiffy."
Loser Kid 1: "Totally, there were enough juice boxes for every 6th grader in the world! We partied until 3 in the afternoon!!!"
Loser Kid 2: "WOW!"
a combination of shit and crap. Used when you cannot figure out which form of the word to use.
"Dude i ran over your dog's tail."
"OH Shap! you retard!"
The act of fraudulently using a restroom stall to sleep (typically at work when a nap is badly needed) rather than for it's intended purpose. Usually accomplished by normal sitting posture on the toilet seat, with or without a paper cover. Particular toilet designs are more suited for shapping - those with a flip-up top seat can provide a comfortable, inclined backrest, while those with traditional "commercial" plumbing flush handles can be quite uncomfortable to lounge against. It this last case, the shapper may choose to lean to the side, bracing themselves against the wall, or even lean forward, elbows on knees, although this increases the risk of shap-drool puddle formation on the floor.
"He was in there forever! Must've had something bad to each for lunch"
"No - he wasn't taking a shit - he was taking a nap."
"Oh...you mean a Shap."
taking a nap on the shitter
Damn dude, what took you so long, were you taking a shap?
Shap is a combination between Shut and Up. As in the popular phrase; "Shut up."
Will you please shap?
a jewish kid who wears hats
Shap, light the menorah.
When you wanna tell someone off in a joking manner.
*pull up to a middle aged bystanders*
Jesse: "Excuse me do you know where I can find the nearest CIBC."
Bystander: "CIBC, I think there is one-"