Shaq Daddy

What is Shaq Daddy?


The basketball move of first getting in the low post position, then dribbling the ball extremely hard two or three times, and then throw it down like you're 7' 310.

(Get the ball in the post)..."Shaq Daddy!" (dunk)

See shaq, daddy, basketball, heat, miami


1.One of the greatest nicknames ever given to shaquille o'neal.

2.Another name for a giant, mongoloid looking person.

Exp-" that kid looks like shaq daddy" or "That niggas as big as shaq daddy"

See shaq, superman


a motion where one raises their arms in exhultation, then bounces their forearms on their biceps, wrists at 45 degree angles with the arms

got an answer right in class? shaq daddy it!

See heather


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