Shark Week

What is Shark Week?


the week a woman experiences menstruation

Shannon was in a bad mood because it was shark week.


A week in the summer when discovery channel broadcasts all its shows in the shark theme. The best week to watch TV.

Bill: Hey dude you wanna watch TV?

Ted: Not really man.

Bill: But bro its Shark week!!!

Ted: Really! Most Excellent!

Rufus: I'll turn on the discovery channel.

See discovery channel, blue, fish, shark


the best week of your life.

"Dude, it's shark week!"

"I know Dude, I haven't seen sunlight in 4 days!"

See tv, awesome, discovery channel, veg, summer


1. A group of kids that are gods of wherever they preside.

1. That shark week scares me, because they are all powerful.

See shark, week, god, gods, dallas, ga, georgia


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