
What is Shaw?


it means yeah, but is cooler to say, and it comes out smoother

"Are you going to see Napolean Dynamite?"

"Shaw, like I'd miss it!"



a. a thicket in a wood

b. Shaw (shyea, yea)

c. a good title to give someone.

a. a old english term from scottland

b. yes, " you going to the movies"?

" Shaw"!

c. "thats kids awesome"

" He's a Shaw"!

See cool, wood, awesome, hippies


SHAW - company that provides broadband cable TV and high speed internet to British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and some areas of eastern Canada.

Parents: "Lets go out, get drunk, take drugs and leave the kids infront of the TV and internet provided by SHAW" - with SHAW, it's fast!

See shaw, cable, internet, service, provider, tv, company


The tightest neighborhood in DC. Contains LeDroit Park, U Street, and Shaw itself. A Mecca of black culture with some of the best jazz and the occasional Go Go. 9:30 club is there, as is Howard University. You can't go to Shaw without going to Ben's Chili Bowl (12th and U) and maybe bumping into Portis, Cosby, Dre, Arenas, Fenty, and any number of other celebrities.

It's kinda gentrified now, but it's way too close to "the ave" (Georgia Ave), and certain parts of North Capital St] to lose its street appeal.

I'm going to Ben's in Shaw on U St. to get a half-smoke: Chili, onions, and mustard.

See d.c., dc, washington, howard


A Shaw is a person who is a very quiet, reserved person who is very unsocial and is not a heavy talker, however this person attracts many people of the opposite sex.

That kid at the club last night was a total Shaw, he talked to no girls but left with about 6

See mitch, shaw, shawbag, boss, champ


A young farmer who is known around fife for his rugby skills, and his stregnth.

"holy creoly, that guy is solid."

"his name is Shaw"

See max


Defecating, especially in one's trousers. The term is best used when referring to the source of flatulence. The term is better used when blaming someone with the last name of "Shaw" as the source of flatulence.

Justin, did you just shaw in your pants?

See shit, poop, fart, defecate


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