
What is Shawshank?



From the movie Shawshank Redemption. Tim Robbins' character, Andy Dufresne, secretly digs a tunnel in his prison cell, and hides the dirt and cement from the wall in his pants legs. To get rid of it without anyone knowing, he takes a stroll out in the yard every day, and with every step shakes a little bit out at a time.

Definition: verb

When you have to fart, the action of walking around an area and dispersing a little bit at a time so no one notices.

Suddenly feeling the urge to fart, I quickly got up from my desk and shawshanked it around the office.


The act of enduring something which results in continuous consternation and/or pain of which you have no control over once into it. And, the event does not end until the act is completed or until you find a way to tunnel out and/or crawl through a proverbial 500 yard, shit-laden, drain pipe to free yourself of the event. Reference the movie "Shawshank Redemption".

Shit dude! I got busted for a DUI a week ago and had to shawshank it until I was bailed out by my ex-girlfriend.

See shawshank, pain, consternation, situation


To graciously accept all the indecencies and indignities that your current situation throws at you with a quiet grace and a pleasant smile; all the while patiently digging your way out of that situation with a spoon. Then one day everyone around looks up and notices that you are suddenly not there anymore, having escaped the bounds of your unpleasant environment and escaped to a better place.

"Fuck I hate this job, but I figure I can Shawshank it for a few years until I can move to Costa Rica"

See escape, survival, scheming, shawshank, shawshanking


Comes from the movie The Shawshank Redemtion, and means to break out or get away with something (out of jail, or just out of trouble)

*1* Get me the hell outta this jail cell!!!! i am so gonna go shawshank if u dont bust me out quick!

*2* You betta shawshank out of this, or he is gonna kick your ass!


To take another man by force sexually in an effort to prove dominance.

Corey disrespected us, lets Shawshank him after school.

See prison rape, cornhole, molest, prison, sodomy, sex


Verb - To pilfer; steal a small amount at a time by filling your pockets in the same fashion as Andy Dufresnefrom The Shawshank Redemption.

Daniel shawshanked the change jar from the basement.

See shank, steal, pilfer, dufresne


To pilfer; steal a small amount at a time

John shawshanked the change jar from the basement.

See pilfer, steal, annex, appropriate, bag, boost, palm


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