
What is Sheet?


a word meaning shit which ALL people who can't speak english that well say

mexican:sheet tha glingos are coming!

italian:ah sheet, my spagaty

arab:dees will never work, dees bomb is sheet

french:errr may ah have de sheet?


A termed used to refer to a quantity of blotter paper. Typically 100 hits of LSD.

I made sure to bring my sheet of acid to the Phish show so I could sell it to the hippies.


How people from ATL say shit.

Awwwwwwww sheet, y'all done fucked up and let me into this bitch.

See Jawn


Another word for booty.

o shit ima skeet on that sheet!

See butt, booty, ass, buttocks, Faizan


instead of cussing, sheet is used in place of shit. Not used by gay/Asian people necessarily, used by people who perfer to get past censors or don't like plain out cussing.

Sheet, I lost the money again.


A welshmans pronunciation of shit. Often herd at many a sporting event when they get their asses whooped.

It is often pronounced very slowly, as they are dumb creatures. The relaxed nature of the word also reflects their acceptance of the inevitable defeat.

we're playing Gary Speed and Mark Delaney at centre back, against the likes of Del Piero, Vieri, Montella, Totti, Inzaghi...


See mike


Another Word for shit

SHEET,i forgot my homework

See shit, fuck, asshole, black, goe


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