
What is Sheila?


Australian/Kiwi slang, for a female.

she was a spunky sheila

See john


1-A sheila is a worshiping word for a beatiful mysterious woman that one of your mates knows on a first name basis, but you have never met.

2- a possessive term used for ones girl, lover, or CSP

First Kiwi bloke: geeez mate...that sheila of yours...she is a beauty

Kiwi Bloke: ...stay from my sheila cuz...

Aussie Bloke: as if you would fuck a sheep...bloody sheep shagger


a stereotypical term that was used back in the olden days of Australia that now only bogans or occa people use, like the American term "broad"

"Struth that sheila was off her rocker"

"Dude, no ones used that in ages you bogan"


An Australian colloquialism for a girl, often amazing, beautiful and smart. An absolute babe.

Ryan: Wow, look at that sheila over there, *droolz*

Andy: Yeah dude, I think I'm in love

See smart, australian, amazing, beautiful, chick, babe


1. Australian slang for female

2. Also used as derogatory term,alludes to weakness

"Aw shuddup Kev, yer whinging like a SHEILA "

See sheila, chick, wench, bitch, tart


a lady in austrailia

my dog is named sheila hahahahaha

See sheila, stocker, music, romance


A sheila generally refers to an australian girl. Sheilas still believe haircuts from the 80´s are sexy.With a tendency to show alot of their sagging breats,sheilas will always be found with a beer in one hand and a ciggarette in the other. The only time when you will find a sheila without any of the 2 possesions mentioned above is when their alcoholic 4th husband has bashed them because of sculling the last beer or smoking the last ciggarette, and they are on the floor licking up whats left of the beer or trying to sticky tape the broken ciggie back togther. Sheilas always curse asians and wear too much make up(usually to cover their black eyes). These gilrs have kids at soon as they become eligible for the governments ´baby scheme´ where $3000 is awarded to new mums for encouragement,as australia has a population issue. Found in pubs at around 9:00am or centrelink/welfare offices(standard opening time for both venues) sheilas are fond of kareoke and will not hesistate in sexual intercourse with a minor.Shelias are very malnutritioned and in the mornings look very similar to ´gollum´ from lord of the rings. Sheilas speak very slang australian english to accomodate their under-privellged brains. example below

ozzie bloke-´get her outta here...that sheilas puking again´

ozzie sheila-´you dont need to shave ya arm-pits love..n will still root ya´

ozzie sheila- ´Im on me blobs but you can plug me up the shitter´

TRANSLATION: Im currently going through my menstural cycle,do you mind engaging me in anal sex?´

See fat, ozzie, sheila, slug, off, sickening


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