
What is Sherpa?


A lady's shaggy-haired NEPALESE FRIEND; the constant FEMALE MENTOR who, from an entrenched, central vantage-point, influences all her thoughts and actions; her bearded ALTER EGO and beating heart; her GUSSET GURU.

"Oh, Edmund!" Hillary gasped, feeling her SHERPA tensing, "we're nearly there!" And, indeed, just as other moist lips emitted their passionate agreement, the skilful guidance of her NEPALESE FRIEND brought both travellers breathlessy to the peak of ecstasy.

See sophia, plateau, summit, enabler, Persson


An experienced guide helping others on a mountain climbing expadition.

Edmund Hillary - first person to climb Mt. Everest.

Tenzing Norgay - Sherpa that helped him

See mountain, climber, guide, experience


Short Filipino people who have accents and walk slowly

See Flip kids

Shawn: Hahaha look at that lady with the bags

Aryan: Dude she's a sherpa

Shawn: Fuckin right!

See sherpa, filipino, pilipino, dyke


A sober guide/leader who escorts the stoners into public situations

After we hit the bong, out ROTC roomate would be our sherpa on our adventures to get food/drink at the local eatery/watering hole.


one (usually of higher skill) who helps noobs beat a game or specifically a hard part of a certain level in exchange for an achievement or kills in which to level

noob: help me i need a sherpa!

me: fine but only if you help me level.

noob: ...i only need to beat a mission...

me: i dont care you need my help and i expect something in return.

noob: fine...

See sherpa, noob, help, assist, games


A retarded way to say "sure"

Person 1: hey do you want to have sex tonight?

person 2: Sherpa

See sex, chunneling, rusty bagpipe


A guide characterised by:

1. Carrying your stuff.

2. Having a stupid accent.

3. Taking your abuse and bottling it away.

(The word "Sherpa" is also interchangable with "Trevor" in the common saying "Whatever Trevor")

Sherpa: "No, we no go dis way, it dangerous!"

Traveller: "WHATEVER, SHERPA!"

Sherpa: :(

See sherpa, guide, dangerous, traveller, whatever


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