She's Not For You

What is She's Not For You?


Usually, a phrase uttered by a guy's mother (esp. if you're Italian) that is a code phrase for "I don't like the girl you've brought home". It denotes severity that can range from "I just don't like her" to "Not only don't i like her, she's a whore/has major flaws, and i won't accept her nor do i want her to bear my grandchildren". Phrase is usually uttered shortly after mom has had a chance to spend a little time with your girlfriend, and has observed some character traits/flaws that mom thinks are deal breakers, and puts the son on notice that he should probably break up with the girl.

"So, ma, what do you think of Candi?"

"How long have you been dating her? Does she even know how to cook? ..(pause)....She's not for you, son......"

See mother, girlfriend, relationships, mama's boy, puttana


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