
What is Shi?


short for "shit."

Shi man, how you gonna do that?


An abbreviated form of devices such as 's/he' or 'she/he' with the similar usage in referring to a subject of both, either, or neither gender.

It is likely a combined form of the primarily nominative 'she' and 'he' with an element borrowed from 'his' or 'him' due to their unique usage of the letter 'i'.

'Shi' and related possessive ' hir' are seen most often in internet-presented stories involving (the usually pornographically inclined presence of) hermaphrodites or those capable of changing their sex with ease.

When shi told us who was on the phone, we knew it couldn't be good.

We took a walk, shi and I.

Shi who made us laugh nonstop with hirevery joke.

See neuter, she, he, hermaphrodite, it, him, her


basically replaces any word you cannot think of due to either high stress, lack of knowing the word or simple brain fartage

Are you going to record the shi tonight?

See fuh, bah, duh, shit, crap


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