
What is Shia?


An expression that is just a cooler way to say "yeah" or "oh yeah." "Shia" cannot be used by everyone, so use discresion when attempting to use such an awesome word.

A: "Dude, don't you hate flyers fans?"

B: "Shia man. But doesn't the entire NHL hate them?"

A: "Shia dude, pretty much."

See shia, yeah, shh, shyeah


A adjective used when a female has neglected to shave her legs for a few weeks, and thus has legs that resemble Shia LaBoeuf's

"Hey, pause the movie K!"

(Pauses Disturbia on a still of Shia's leg)

"OMG! H your legs are almost as hairy as Shia's! When was the last time you shaved?"'s been awhile

See shia, hairy, prickly, kale, disturbia


An expression used to deviate from the subject, once said, it is illegal (yes illegal) to talk about that subject within the next day. If you mention it the person who said "shia" can legally kill you, legally.

Hey Luis did you screw my girlfriend?


What were we jsut talking about?

See Shia


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