
What is Shiby?


A boy,(some would call teen but in actuality is just a boy) who is a player, or known by many guys as a faggothe is a very sad person he hits on girls dating or not, not realizing one day he will get messed the F up, he just has to wait for it. Even those who don't know him know hes a fag

Andy: Hey do you think Shiby is a fag?

Tommy: I dont know him, but his name sounds faggy.

See shiby, faggot, douche, beat up


being or having the characteristics of something cool.

Erin: " How was Sean's party last night?"

Laura: " Shibyyyyyyy! Everyone was there!"

See cool, good, tight, fun, solid


Means 'the shit'. People say shiby instead of shit in school.

Dat's da shiby!

I've never seen such a huge pile of shiby in my life.


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