What is Shiksa?
A Gentile girl or woman, especially one who has attracted a Jewish man. The term derives from the Hebrew word "sheketz", meaning the flesh of an animal deemed taboo by the Torah. Since a Jewish man marrying a non-Jewish woman is taboo also, this word applies to her.
Traditionally this is a derogatory term, though in modern times it has also been used more light-heartedly. For example,
The ideal shiksa is a blonde
Sex and the City , Charlotte really blossomed as a shiksa!
An insulting term used by Jews to signify any non Jewish woman. Almost always used among Jews as a disrespectful offensive term for any non jewish girl or woman.
It's fighting talk.
That dirty shiksa.
All shiksas are shit.
I fucked that shiksa and gave her the clap.
a non-Jewish broad
I banged a shiksa last night and got the clap. Oy!
An unclean or non-Jewish girl.
Shiksas are for practice.