
What is Shillelagh?


an irish word for a cudgelmade of blackthorn, oak, or other hardwoods.

usually slightly smaller than a walking stick or cane. good for quick repetitious beating of individuals.

also used by some witty irish males to refer to their penis.

yo back off motherfucka or ima hafta cudgel you with my shellelagh


a 1 meter tall wooden stick with a big bump on the end, used as both a club & walking stick by the Irish

Forsooth, thou art a knave! Leave this place in peace or I shall thrash thee about the head & shoulders with my shillelagh!


A potent drink usually accompanying the irish car bomb.

Directions: Fill a double shot glass halfway with Bailey's Irish Cream, then fill the rest of the way with Jameson's.

pour me a shillelagh mate.

See irish car bomb, drink, bailey's


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