What is Shit And Run?
Like a hit and run but involving taking a shit. It's any shit that is performed in under two minutes, thus leaving no time to wipe, wash your hands, or flush. So you drop trow, shit, pull up, and go. The next person into the stall knows they've been the victim of the shit and run.
Shit Sergeant: "Alright maggots we're doing the two minute drill, the shit and run on my whistle!!"
This is a prank only pulled off by the professionals including my friend Darren. If you are getting a ride from anyone that you dont like or dont know, for example a taxi, then you calmy pull down your pants and take a shit in the back seat. As the smell reaches the driver's nose he will mostly likely turn around thinking what the fuck is that smell?? Then you yell o fuck watch out! This is best done at nighttime because the driver would probably slam the brakes. When the car stops you get out and run.
"Man Darren, that was smooth performing a shit and run in the back of Matt's car without using any T.P."
"Give that taxi driver a shit and run so you dont have to pay for the fare"
Very similar principles to a hit and run but instead of a car you hit your target with a fart and escape the crime scene without leaving evidence.
There are many ways to acomplish a Shit and Run, all with varying results and hilarity. One method, which is not very tactful, is to walk up to a friend and purposfully fart as close as you can to him, preferably with noise and a touch of moist splatter. This is best carried out in an office where the
The stealth method is by far the best but does not work well with clingers (farts that follow you.) which will inevitably lead your victim to you. In this method you sneak up to an unsespecting person and quietly pop one out. This action can be covered up with conversation but a stern poker face is important. Once dropped leave the scene and watch as your
Dude! I just totally shit and runned that gruop of nuns
A Shit and Run is when someone takes a shit and leaves it in the toilet for the next person to find unexpectedly. It happened to me after school today and I was pretty pissed.
Mikey likes to shit and run.
When the results of a prank, or act in general, take a negative spin leaving the prankster in a shitload of trouble.
Barry: (throws rock and breaks window) SHIT! (and runs)
William: He totally pulled a "shit and run."
Similar to "hit and run", a "shit and run" refers to when a person ( usually stupid ) insults you with a crappy insult, then runs away before you have a chance to respond.
Idiot: omg u liek suck *runs away*
Me: Shit and runner!