Shit Son

What is Shit Son?


Usually said in disbelief, shock, or amazment.

Shit son! I didnt know we get ALL 100 porn channels!!!

See shit son, shitson, shit, damn, wow, holy crap, buttered toast


a general exclamation used in any situation, good or bad

shit son, that was tight

shit son! we almost died!

See fuck yes, nah man, whoa


Something to say when ur about to run.

shit son its wayne brady

See shit, omg


has no real meaning... is said just for fun

out of the blue tell anyone "SHIT-SON"!

See smokey


a cool word...

Shit son!! u shot me in da lung!!

See wang chung


Used when one is distressed or upset. Can also be used in anger. The person being told most likly is the same age or younger than the one saying it.

Shit son, this shit is mad homosexual.

See Stealth


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